Sunday 4 November 2012

Urban Airship & Microsoft Get Together to Offer Push Messaging Solutions for the New Windows 8

Just after the launch of Windows 8, Urban Airship has announced of its agreement with Microsoft to become the preferred provider of push messaging services on new platform. The agreement is presented as an "Alliance" between the two firms instead of a "Partnership".
Both the companies who worked together before the launch of Windows 8 will now be taking the things forward. And there are chances of Urban Airship increasing its involvement in the future training & developer activities to be conducted by Microsoft.
Urban Airship will be offering a single codebase client library to Windows developers. This library will work for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 applications. Urban Airship also offers backend-as-a-service to Android, BlackBerry, and iOS, which will enable the developers to target messages & broadcast notification for increasing the engagement of users, enhancing the application's core offering, and maximizing the customer retention.
At present, the solution offered by Urban Airship is in beta phase and will be only supporting push notifications. But, the firm is planning to roll out the complete feature set for developers by 2013. Developers will soon get access to more features and tools like rich push messages, analytics & reporting, geo-fencing, and more. These features will convince developers to choose third party service over the base level functionalities that Windows platform is offering.

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