Sunday 23 September 2012

Smartphone Usage Good or Bad? The Argument is On

Smartphones have become an absolute paramount in the mobile market and our lives too. So is the constant use of a smartphone good or bad for you? Are smartphones crippling the society or helping us gain more knowledge by establishing numerous contacts? Well, it all depends on the way you perceive your mobile device and use it.
Going by the increasing sales of smartphones over the past couple of years, it can safely be said that the trend has caught on among individuals and enterprises alike. Therefore, if we take one look at the functionalities offered by a smartphone, we will be convinced about the fact that these gadgets make life organized rather than complicated. Nevertheless, there is a constant argument on the fact, are smartphones harming the values & health of the mobile device users? Or are they hugely benefitting the users by making them adept with the latest technology? The response is clearly divided with one section arguing about the superpowers that a smartphone gifts its users with and the other section completely writing off the device as a means of evil!
A smartphone has become the tool to fight corruption, improve education, promote politics, purchase daily stuff, bolster the memory, and give users better access to healthcare services. They have helped a user to remain connected with his/her family & friends residing in any part of the world. The role played by smartphones in mobilizing business of enterprises the world over & raking in the profits cannot be disregarded at all. Whether it is a game app, a weather app, a social networking app, a location based app, or a business enterprise app, the smartphone is the perfect platform for using all types of tools to benefit every age group.
So wouldn’t it be fair to term a smartphone user a ‘superhuman’? Perhaps not: because there is a flip side to the increased usage of the tiny mobile devices that we often fail to notice. One of them is the fact that the use of smartphones have made people unsocial. Nowadays, smartphone users are happy to delve into their devices rather than strike up a conversation. He/she would rather send texts or emails as opposed to writing a letter. On the one hand, accidents are caused by people who are distractedly immersed in their smartphones while driving, and on the other the radiation from these devices enter the human system through the ear & increase the risk of acquiring diseases like cancer.
I believe that every new invention in this world is made in order to help mankind. The features of the new invention have to be utilized in such a way as to realize its benefits rather than to invite troubles. And isn’t it only fair to say that every part of technology will operate just the way it is made to function by the people in whose hands it falls? We should not disregard the fact that the smartphone was created by humans and it is upon us humans to use or misuse the device. While we have the ability to think & judge values and shortcomings of mere pieces of machinery, the smartphone is but an inanimate object that entirely depends upon its user for functionality.
Billions of people all over the world are using a smartphone or tablets like iPads today for professional & personal purposes. While the persistent criticism of the smartphone technology continues, I believe that concentrating on the exciting opportunities that this little device offers would benefit mankind.

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