Friday 4 January 2013

Apple to Launch Next iOS Version?

A report published on New Year’s Day claims that Apple Inc. is all set to launch the next version of its operating system, the iOS. According to information received from Times-Herald, the technology giant has already started testing the iOS 7 version on a new iPhone model. Leading app development companies across the world have also confirmed references to iPhone identifiers in their usage logs. Their statements claim that the iPhone 6.1 model will run the updated version of iOS platform. In fact, app requests for the new Apple operating system version have already been registered on the developer logs; if the report published is to be believed, they are originating from a website address identified with usage within the Cupertino giant’s workplace. Compatibility of popular mobile applications on iOS 7 is also being tested by Apple.
However, the above mentioned website does not hold any authentication claims regarding the report. It has been stated in statements from the website personnel that data derived about mobile devices and operating systems can often be faked. In this case though, the IP footprint is unique and the attempt of sharing the Apple OS upgradation news can be led back to the company’s Cupertino campus.
The current version of operating system running in Apple devices such as iPhone 5.1 and iPhone 5.2 is iOS 6. These versions were released in the mobile market by Apple in the month of September this year. if the reports circulating in the technology circle come true, the world mobile industry will be presented with iphone 6 and iOS 7 towards the middle of this new year.
Copper Mobile, one of the reputed iPhone App Developer and mobile developers has emerged as a leader in the field with more than 300 apps to its credit.

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