Thursday 30 May 2013

How To Create An App That Sells Itself

As fun as marketing a mobile app can be, creating one that sells itself is much more versatile. And while it may seem like pure luck to be able to create an app that essentially requires zero marketing efforts from your company, doing so can actually be fairly easy to achieve. To help you do so, here are some tips on how to create an app that sells itself.
Be Innovative
Often times it is the most innovative new apps that bring something enticing to the mobile market, and subsequently make it possible for them to be able to sell themselves. If you take a look at any innovative app that first introduced a function or concept to the mobile market, you will likely also notice that its founding company spent significantly less on its marketing budget compared to most similar apps. For instance, take the Sleep Cycle app. It is the first app to track user sleep patterns and quality by merely using the built-in technology from devices like the iPhone. This app is truly innovative, and consequently requires very little marketing efforts from its designer. Mainly, the app sells itself through word-of-mouth, which may seem like an unnecessary, and perhaps even unrealistic, expectation for an app to have, however, it is certainly something to strive for.
It's All In The Name
A major part of your mobile app selling itself is in its name. If it is has a boring, plain and unenthusiastic name, then not only will users have no idea what its purpose is, but they most certainly will not be enticed to buy it. For such reason, when naming your mobile app, you should most definitely aim to give it a name that reaches out to users. More specifically, you should give your app a name that makes mobile device users want to investigate its use, which will in turn further their consideration about downloading it. In this regard, the name you give to your mobile app does not necessary even have to make since initially, so long as you eventually explain what its significance is once a prospective user investigates.
Make An Awesome App
Without question, the most proactive thing you can do to offer an app that sells itself to the market is to create one that people want to use. While some apps remain mediocre but get by with their excellent marketing efforts or stellar sales team, more often than not, it is the apps that are well-crafted and extremely useful that sell themselves. If your goal is to offer such an app to the mobile market, then you should most certainly aim to create a well-designed mobile app.
Making an app that virtually sells itself sounds like an exceedingly unattainable feat. However, it most definitely is achievable if you work on creating a useful app that anyone with a mobile device will be practically begging to download. What’s more, if you can create such an app that is also innovative compared to the others in its category, then you will increase the app’s natural marketability that much more. Lastly, giving your app a name that is unmistakable in the industry, and subsequently provides an easily identifiable presence in its market, will surely increase its ability to sell itself. In this sense you may also consider creating a separate brand for your app.

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