Friday 2 November 2012

Google Launches Updated iOS Search App

The Google Search iOS app, that was originally supposed to have been released in the month of August, is finally ready for unveiling. So all you search aficionados, dabble with this enhanced search tool to get answers to your questions. According to reports published in TechCrunch, the voice search functionality of the new app is strikingly similar to that of Google Now. All the user needs to do to access this app is to hit the button, ask the question, and wait a few seconds for the app to answer.
So what is new about the iOS Search app? Once a user asks a question, the app will display the responses by tapping into the Google Knowledge Graph. For instance, if you want to know the weather of the location you are in, the Google iOS Search app will not only speak out the hourly forecast but also display all standard search results related to the same question. The graphical touches in the responses are to be looked forward to, say analysts.
As the app is yet to be released in the market, consumers are excited about its new prospects. However, not being entirely different from Google Now, and owing to the fact that important changes are to be made to improve Google Now, the iOS Search app will not only face stiff competition but also be heavily compared. Will it be a hit or a miss? We are still waiting for the verdict.

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