Wednesday 21 November 2012

Switzerland Federal Railways Compensated by Apple

Switzerland’s Federal Railways was compensated with $21 million, winning a case of licensed intellectual property against Apple. It was sometime during the middle of September this year that Apple was accused by the Swiss Federal Railways of copying the design of a clock the former used in its iOS 6 update. The clock icon used by Apple is reportedly an auspicious symbol for Switzerland and its Federal Railways since it was designed during the 1940s by Hans Hilfiker.
The report published in the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper of Switzerland says that Apple used the famous clock design without permission from the Swiss Federal Railways authorities. The latter held trademark & copyright over the clock and therefore Apple had to pay a price for its act of appropriation. The licensed agreement between the two parties allows Apple to continue using the design in its clock app coming with the updated version of iPad tablet.
Market analysts have put forward their views that a sum of $21 million is inconsequential for a cash rich company like Apple. But it clearly shows that technology giant Apple makes an effort to work quickly when matters of license & intellectual property are involved. Daniele Pallechi, a spokesperson for the Swiss Federal Railways had earlier made it clear in his statement to the media that the owners of the clock design were rather unhappy with the unprofessional attitude shown by Apple. He said in a statement to the media that though the Swiss felt proud to see the iconic clock being used by Apple, shock as to why permission had not been duly taken was clearly there. The fact that the Swiss Federal Railways authorities did not sue Apple on infringement issues has left the latter’s reputation & revenue unharmed.
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