Sunday 28 April 2013

Network - The Lifeline of Mobility

It takes more than devices and applications to connect people in your mobile enterprise to each other and to the information they need. It takes a medium to connect you to the world of information that your smart device acts as a gateway to. It takes the most invisible yet the most critical component of the ecosystem – the enterprise network. All of your communications, business processes and applications depend on it. Smart devices without access can be gaming consoles or notepads, or even coasters, but an enterprise business tool they do not make. Network forms the backbone of your business communication, and needs to remain robust and reliable in the face of changing business landscape, increasing business demands and evolving security risks.
What is Network Integration?
Network integration is quite simply, the combination of two or more networks. It is the ability to use or combine data from multiple sources while maintaining the integrity and reliability of the data. Enterprise LANs are home to the target data for most user requirements, while the access mechanism, their devices, are on either provider networks or wi-fi. The ability to allow the data and the user to interact without compromising the security of the enterprise or the experience of the user is the key to successful network integration.
Since the network plays a crucial role in determining the success of a business, it should deliver high performance and secured and continued access. In today’s dynamic environment, communication networks are key elements to define the success of a business. While developers are concentrating on applications & devices, it is the network of your enterprise that will enable clients and employees to take advantage of the innovations done in IT segment.
Networks determine the user experience as much as the application performance. A high-latency network can make users feel the pinch in terms of delays and hung apps. Therefore, it is critical to tune your LAN and last mile (if under your control) to optimize it according to your app data flow parameters.
Security is another important aspect of data in motion. What type of data flows between the device and the datacenter, and gets stored in the device determines the type of security that is required. Also, the vertical under which the enterprise falls determines the compliance, and therefore, security requirements. Is the data encrypted? What kind og encryption? What strength? All these factors impact the transfer over the air. Too many security blockades reduce the performance, since extra information needs to be transferred with the data (heads, security bits etc.).
The key is to integrate and optimize the network without compromising on security essentials. Network integration services require careful planning, designing, implementation, and management. There are various stages of network integration and successful completion of each phase plays a vital role in seamless performance of the network. This is the reason professional help is sought by enterprises when designing their networks for integration to mobile apps.
 How do Network integration services (NIS) help?
If done by experienced resources, with a planned approach, NIS can provide a multitude of benefits.
Network design for adaptability to transient needs
  • Planned upgrades, expansions and configurations with zero or near-zero downtime
  • Resilient architecture that is fault tolerant and high performing
  • Cost optimization and efficiency gains
  • Better project execution through planned deliverables and on-time execution
  • Risk reduction
  • Improved service delivery and controls the cost of network monitoring and management

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