Thursday 11 April 2013

Enterprise Mobility Consulting and App Strategizing

Mobile phones were earlier considered as the medium of communication have now become an integral part of our lives. From making calls to accessing social networking sites and doing online shopping, we rely on smartphones for most of our needs.
One of the most important factors for this change is mobile application. They have changed the way we use smartphones and tablets. Applications are always accessible and help us in staying connected, irrespective of location barrier.
Mobile applications are also getting popular amongst enterprises. Businesses are looking for smart ways to work and going mobile is one of their most preferred approaches.
Not every organization has the team of most experienced IT individuals and developers. Therefore, it might be a daunting task for companies to create and implement a mobile strategy at work.
Mobility consulting is the solution to all the mobilizing worries of enterprises. Enterprises planning to become a part of the app world can seek help of mobility consultants to create a robust application that is beneficial in terms of internal management and client support.
A mobility consulting company will help you in determining the best mobile solution that fits your business model. It is the job of the consultants to identify your business needs, strategize about the development process, calculate the risks involved, and successfully implement the solution.
Hiring a Mobility Consultant:

Things to Consider
  • The success of mobile applications has fascinated many to get into the business of development. Therefore, it is important for you to consider the relevant experience of a consulting firm before hiring it for work.
  • There are enterprise mobility firm that offer one-stop-solution to clients. Instead of hiring a consultant, developer, and designer separately, it is a good idea to get in touch with a mobility consultant who offers complete solutions. This will result in better co-ordination and more cost-effective mobility solution.
Other than finding a mobility consultant, it is necessary for enterprises to have the right mobility strategy. The right mobile application strategy will help you in successfully accomplishing the project and deriving the desired objectives. There are certain things a company must consider in creating a mobile strategy:
  • When it comes to choosing between native or mobile web applications, enterprises should consider pros and cons of both. Native apps are either device or OS specific and use some internal features of the device. Mobile web apps on the other hand support cross-platforms.
  • If maximum exposure or consumer reach is what you are aiming at with the enterprise application, opt for mobile web solution.
  • Enterprises have to decide if they want an application for the internal purpose or to improve the customer reach. Consumer-centric applications are a trend these days as they lead to better branding, marketing, and revenue generation. However, for more organized and managed work environment, businesses are also opting for an internal mobile application that is accessible to all the employees.
  • Data infringement is a major concern of enterprises. It is necessary for the IT department to figure out the security issues or the possible ways of data theft. Once, we are well-versed with the hurdles, it gets easier for developers to create a robust application that would be tested on various security parameters.
Mobility consulting and strategizing will have a great impact on the growth of an enterprise. Therefore, businesses are suggested to go through each process carefully before starting the mobile application development process.

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