Friday 5 April 2013

Does Your App Bring Out The Best In Its Device?

Every now and then an app comes out that truly mesmerizes the market in a way that users and industry experts alike didn’t even know was possible. These remarkable apps take the capabilities of a device, and through the creation of an innovative new app, absolutely bring out the best in the device it is housed on. While it is certainty no easy task, if you can come up with an original idea for an app that uses a device in a way most people had no idea was possible, your enterprise will practically be guaranteed profitability.
The Idea
Thinking up an innovative app idea that uses a mobile device in a new way is extremely difficult. It often seems as through developers have either already thought of all the good ideas, or inspiration is simply impossible to find. With that said, there are many examples of genius apps that have been created in the face of lackluster inspiration and a market full of creative app offerings. Take, for example, the Sleep Cycle app. It is an app that cleverly uses the iPhone’s accelerometer to measure sleep patterns and quality based on the user’s movements while asleep. This is a truly remarkable idea that uses the capabilities of the iPhone to its advantage. Without the iPhone’s accelerometer, the Sleep Cycle app simply would not exist and the idea of an app that gives users feedback on their sleep patterns would remain a thought still in the incubation phase of someone’s mind. This sort of symbiotic relationship between app and device — bringing out the best in the device while introducing an innovative new idea — is what makes the combination so profitable.
There are two basic ways to come up with such an innovative idea. You can either start by considering the capabilities of a device you wish to house your app on, or you can think of a brilliant idea first and worry about a device’s capabilities later. Typically, it is easier to base your app idea off the capabilities of the device you are working with. This way when you actually do come up with a brilliant idea for your app, you know for a fact that it will find fruition. For instance, the mobile market now has a bunch of flashlight apps that use the camera light on various mobile phones as a static bright light to use in the dark. Five years ago, if someone had thought of the idea to create an app that works as a flashlight, they probably would have hit a dead end. Back then most smartphones did not feature a camera light built into the design. However, now that most smartphones have such a feature, the idea has found tremendous success with users in the mobile market.
Coming up with the next brilliant idea for an app is certainly not an easy undertaking. Inspiration can be scarce and motivation can dwindle, as the market appears to already have an endless array of stellar apps. However, if you first start with the capabilities of a device, such as the iPhone, you will undoubtedly be able to find a feature that no other app has capitalized on, turning its use and your brilliant idea into an innovative new mobile offering for the market to enjoy. All app ideas start from somewhere and a mobile device is about as good a starting place as its gets.
Copper Mobile helps enterprises in developing new ideas and strategising their mobile needs and create innovative products for mobility solutions

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