Monday 8 October 2012

Microsoft Taking Steps for a Secure Windows App Store

Microsoft is going Apple way with its curated Windows Store. The Windows 8 and Windows RT app store is now opened to developers in 120 countries around the world, just before the launch of Windows 8 OS.
Microsoft is all set to launch the new OS on 26 Oct, 2012 and is ensuring that everything falls right in place. With its "not to miss out on intricate details" attitude, Microsoft has replicated Apple's secure App Store model but if experts are to be believed, Microsoft won't go too far. Apple has curated store, which means that every application available is tested but not restricted. Moreover, the approval process is instrumented, so that developers can track the approval status of the app.
Earlier, it was only Apple, but Microsoft too is determined to follow the strict curated supervision. But, what are the reasons that are making experts think that it will be a short term journey for Microsoft?
Meeting the Microsoft's Standards
Microsoft is going to be strict on approval of applications. In order to get the app on Windows Store, developer will first have to register themselves. Once the app is developed, it will be submitted to Microsoft for a review. There are certain criteria in approval process. The very first thing an application needs to have is, it should have to do something. The trend and success of mobile apps has attracted many developers to build applications that do not contain anything are just present in app stores to increase the numbers. Microsoft will make sure that applications available on the app store add a lot of value.
Another good thing Microsoft is going to do is, review the applications for their age appropriateness. This is a step to make sure that children do not download restricted apps.
Windows 8 is the Intel version of new OS and Windows RT is meant for low-power ARM chip, especially for tablets. Although, there's an application store for Windows Phone handsets, but Microsoft has sold & distributed applications for the desktop based OS.
If we see Apple's App Store policy, it has made some strict rules to block developers from doing certain things. But, Microsoft's store doesn't have most of these restrictions.
Both the new OS, Windows 8 and Windows RT are different, when it comes to handling third-party software. In Windows 8, users can install software from Internet or DVDs. While, in Windows RT, applications can only be installed from Microsoft's online store. This is a drawback when we talk about curated supervision.
If we talk about the certification process, Microsoft will review that the app does what it says. In case, a developer says that application won't be collecting personal information, Microsoft will actually check for the same. Moreover, apps available on Windows Store will be checked for malicious code.
Mobile applications are continuously facing the threats of malware, information breach, and virus. Microsoft with its strict rules is trying to make things safer and secure for consumers. But, with so many restrictions and possibilities, it is yet to see if Microsoft will be able to provide better & more secure application store than Apple.

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