Wednesday 31 October 2012

Freemium Applications Becoming Consumers Favorite

It seems consumers are loving the freemium applications. App AnnieIntelligence in a recent report has revealed that global revenue generated from freemium apps on iOS has quadrupled in the last 2 years. The trend and liking towards freemium applications has grown stronger in the US over a span of 12 months.
Google Play too has seen a decent hike in the revenue, which has grown 3.5 times in 2012.
The freemium apps on iOS generate 69 percent of the worldwide revenue while apps on Android generate 75 percent of global revenue.
However, there has been as such no change in the premium revenue generated from paid download apps.
Application developers are continuously working on freemium applications as these are bringing in more money.
The app creators in US are favoring freemium model. In a short span of two years, 1/3 of the top applications on iOS have become freemium.
Distimo reported that in 2011, half of the revenue generated from 200 iPhone applications came from freemium applications and the share was 65 percent in the Google Play.
IHS compared the in-app purchase share of freemium apps revealed the apps to bring in $970 million worldwide sale last year. The revenue is expected to cross $5.6 billion by 2015, which will provide freemium apps a total market share of 64 percent.

Countries other than the US for example, Japan & China are also rapidly adopting the freemium app model. The revenue generated from Japanese freemium apps on Google Play grew by 24x last year. Chinese freemium applications showed nearly 25x growth on iOS since January 2011.

Since freemium applications have become to dominate the market, it doesn't mean that total inclination of app developers should be towards this model. Not all the apps are suited to this model. There are applications involving in-app purchases, which are meant for a short period and give developers good chances to earn money. Flurry believes that an application that doesn't hold on to users for longer time period have better chances of monetization through one-time downloads.
Freemium applications are tempting but market of paid apps will still have a good amount of share. However, it cannot be neglected that consumers love the freebies and if they like it, they won't mind shelling out some bucks.
This article is posted by Copper Mobile which is known as one of the top enterprise applications development companies and mobile app developers Dallas as well as app developers Austin.


Tuesday 30 October 2012

Predictions for the Trending Technology of 2013

In a technologically equipped world of today’s it is very important to keep abreast with the technical developments taking place. Keeping this thought in mind, Gartner Inc. announced its top predictions for the technological trends that will be in vogue through 2013. At its gathering in Gartner Symposium ITxpo on October 25, technology analysts at the firm defined a strategy that every organization must keep in mind to have a sound technology platform throughout next year & the near future.
  • HTML5 Mobile Applications – 2013 will come with the introduction of several tools to be used for mobile app development. According to Gartner, HTML5 will be considered as the most capable tool. Though this does not mean the end of native & web based apps, HTML5 apps nevertheless defeat the rest in terms of improved features & user experience. HTML5 will be used to design touch optimized mobile apps. 
  • Enterprise App Stores – The app store future for enterprises looks complex in the eyes of Gartner. Enterprises will have to access the services of multiple stores in 2013 as most vendors will store only specific mobile devices & applications. The varied licensing terms & multiple payment procedures may lead to mayhem. The end of 2013 sees the emergence of private app stores, the services of which enterprises will use for delivering mobile apps.
  • Personal Cloud – This is the new PC, the place where users will store personal content and gain access to personal preferences & all types of services. The personal cloud will comprise web destinations, connectivity, and a unique group of services that will enable a user to fulfill all his/her communication & computing needs. The personal cloud will be considered a portable & omnipresent place for users to fulfill their digital needs.
  • Cloud Computing & Hybrid IT – Every department of IT will be asked to perform the services of another department in order to assure faster growth of services by the end of 2013. This is where cloud computing comes into play. Every IT organization has a major role to play in improving the provisioning of heterogeneous, complex, and inherently distributed cloud services to both the internal users & the external clients of the business. This is the reason why the end of 2013 will see the emergence of CSB (cloud services brokerage).
  • Integrated Ecosystems – The 2013 mobile market will let go of heterogeneous approaches to adopt an integrated ecosystem. This trend will give the user simple, low cost, and secure IT solutions. This trend will be blindly followed by all vendors as it indicates a prominent rise in the sale margin.
David Cearley of Gartner clearly stated while making the announcement that it is time for all IT firms & individual IT leaders to incorporate the above strategic planning within months to stay ahead in the competitive IT sector. However, he also pointed out the fact that not all organizations need to invest in every trending technology; planning before adopting of technology is necessary.
This article is posted by Copper Mobile which is known as one of the top mobile application developer providing mobility consulting and enterprise app development solutions. The company has created its niche in the field of enterprise app development and as iphone developers and android application developers.

Monday 29 October 2012

Why are Startup Enterprises Deploying Indoor Location Technology?

A review concluded by ABI Research shows that more than 10,000 startup stores, located mostly across cities in the US will be deploying indoor location technology by the end of the year. According to the report, coupons delivered through mobile devices and in store advertising are gradually gaining importance in enterprises. Moreover, location technologies are gradually shifting from Google to new concepts such as shopkick. The ABI Research report substantiates the growing importance of indoor location technology by citing the words of Patrick Connolly, a senior analyst working with the firm from London. In Connolly’s opinion, even as recent as a year back, only Google was considered the leader in the market of this type of technology, but today startup units are prepared to experiment, creating opportunities for smaller production units. While Google can use data to serve advertisements for competitors, with in store location services such an occurrence is minimized.

The Most Popular Indoor Location Technology Services
The most dominant indoor location technology used at present is shopkick. ABI Research is however of the opinion that less than three years down the line, Wi-Fi technologies provided by companies like Motorola & Cisco will take over shopkick. Towards the end of 2015, enterprises can expect indoor location technology services being provided by Motorola or Cisco in simpler & more affordable ways for retail units around the world. Following closely on the heels of Wi-Fi technology will be Bluetooth technology. It is also projected that the end of year 2015 will popularize indoor location technology in not only retail stores but also inside establishments like stadiums, universities, museums, and airports. Couponing & hyperlocal advertising are two sections of indoor location technology that companies providing this type of service are trying to improve in order to ensure effective services.

Benefits of Indoor Location Technology Services

These types of services offer retailers with primarily two benefits aiding in mobilization of business. These are:

  • The indoor location technology services offer benefits comparable to those of online shopping. The deployment of this type of technology inside a store will help the owners of the store to keep track of the shoppers’ movement or footfall inside the store. This will help the store not only to get an idea of the total visits made but also the type of people visiting the store. This in turn helps stores to get a fair idea of their target audience, deeper understanding of the advertising techniques to promote sale of products & services to this group of buyers, and also arrange the store in such a way as to ensure improved in store experience.
  • Indoor location technologies will help retail stores to serve better & more relevant coupons & ads to the visitors at the store. This in turn leads to enhanced experience within the store and additional sales of the store’s products. Patrick Connolly stresses on the point that indoor location technology will make the atmosphere of retail stores more efficient for sales and will also make stores more user friendly.

The deployment of indoor location technology in retail stores and other forms of establishments is gradually rising. ABI Research suggests that the end of this year will see more than 10,000 location technologies set up in retail stores across the world. Though the US stores is more proactive in deploying this type of technology, the other countries are also expected to follow suit.
This article is posted by Copper Mobile which is known as one of the top app developers in Austin. The company has created its niche in the field of enterprise app development and is an eminent iPhone app developer and Android app developer.

Friday 19 October 2012

Cloud Storage Services to Touch 500M Users by Year End

The number of internet users accessing both free & paid cloud storage services has shot up to 375 million according to the current figures. If the estimate brought out by market intelligence research firm iHS iSuppli is to be believed, this figure will rise up to 500 million by the end of 2012. Thereport in TechCrunch cites the statement made by consumer & communications director of iHS iSuppli Mr. Jagdish Rebello, who is of the opinion that cloud services have come as a “game changer” in the world of mobile marketing. It offers benefits to not only users but also the service providers.
The estimate brought out by iHS iSuppli clearly proves that cloud services rose to popularity in the year 2011 when more than 150 million users of the internet made subscriptions. Though the firm admits that a specific count cannot be stated for the number of users of cloud storage services in the year 2011 due to the newness of the concept, there is certainly evidence to prove that cloud storage service customers will surpass the 500 million & 625 million mark in years 2012 & 2013 respectively.
This report posted just yesterday is indicative of the fact that though the number of cloud storage service users is increasing by the day, the cost involved in providing these services is by no way reducing. Both technology giants like Apple, Microsoft, & Google and startup units like SugarSync, Dropbox, & Mozy will incur huge costs in providing these services to internet users. While the giants have accepted the loss as a start in the process of popularizing the concept of cloud storage services, the startup units have decided to offer free storage space as part of the cloud services in order to attract more customers, thereby increasing the user base. As part of reduction of costs in providing cloud storage services, all companies are now partnering with mobile network operators, says the reporting team of iHS iSuppli.
While the future looks bright for cloud storage services, it is also true that independent providers of the service will face severe difficulties to maintain financial viability. It is yet to be seen how well the increasing number of cloud storage service users are catered to.

The Battle is on between Microsoft & Apple

Apple has sent out invitations for a "special event" on October 23 in San Jose. As anticipated, Apple will be launching its much awaited iPad Mini and a few more goodies for tech lovers.
That's not all for the October fest. Microsoft too will be revealing the tablet Surface, to give you the perfect holiday season.
The Apple-Microsoft battle is a rare scene in the early and recent-era PC days. Although, the companies will not be competing directly but launch around the same time has got an interesting news element.
While there are a lot of speculations around iPad Mini & the device is expected to compete with Kindle Fires and Nexus Tablet, Microsoft Surface will be competing against the full size iPad range. The expected price of smaller iPad could be $299 or $349 and Surface is priced at $499.
Confirming the news of 23 October event, Apple said that it will be showing off the new iPad mini, iTunes, and a new Retina MacBook.
With holiday season arriving, buyers can expect a whole new range of tablets coming to the market. The competition would be tough and Apple, Microsoft & Android device makers will give their best to promote devices. Tablet eruption in market with new names becoming a part of the march, Apple's market dominance is becoming talk of the tech town. And it is the "best-of-breed" image of Apple that might work in its favor.
While Microsoft is all set to grow a decent Windows 8 base, Android lovers will see more tablets appearing in the market.
It is a real challenge for Apple to create a niche for itself in the crowded tablet market. When all eyes are set on the 23 October event, Apple is much needed to give its best shot and do something really different to become the show stealer.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Can an Enterprise Function Without Mobile Applications?

Mobile devices and mobile applications are the trend in the world of technology. Every enterprise, irrespective of its size, now deploys mobile apps.  Are mobile applications really indispensable or are they deployed blindly following the trend?
According to a survey conducted by AT&T, one third of small business houses across the world have voted in favor of working without mobile applications as impossible within the organization. Roughly eleven percent of these enterprises termed working with mobile apps as “cool”.
The AT&T survey enumerates that mobile applications are integral to not only big but also small business units. Today, employees of even small enterprises require wireless technology for working while on the go and the business units need proper social networking pages for the promotion of their products & services. The use of Facebook as an effective social media promotional platform has shot up from 27 percent to 41 percent within a span of three years from 2009 to 2012. Four out of ten small business units surveyed by AT&T said that working without mobile applications would perhaps be the biggest challenge posed to them in the recent past.
Now that we are convinced about the fact that functioning without a mobile app is impossible for an enterprise, irrespective of size or type of products/services sold, which are the topmost applications in the wish list of these enterprises? If reports are to be believed, GPS & mapping tops the chart with whopping 49 percent enterprises using this application. Social media marketing mobile apps and document management apps stand a close second with 26 percent usage. The other popular mobile applications fulfilling enterprise functionality are location based service apps, travel apps, time management apps, mobile credit card payment apps, and expense tracking apps.
So why have enterprises suddenly stood up to notice, acknowledge the importance of, and deploy mobile applications in their daily work? More than 60 percent organizations taking part in the poll by AT&T are of the opinion that use of mobile apps helps save time. Enhanced productivity and cost cutting were cited as the other reasons for extensive mobile app usage among enterprises in all sectors of the economy.
The AT&T survey was taken choosing 2,246 small business units with an employee count between 2 to 50. Realizing the indispensability of mobile applications, even part time employees of an enterprise are today being provided with mobile apps to complete work more efficiently, raise their quality of work delivery, and mobilize business prospects for the enterprise.
The above discussion clearly underlines the importance of the deployment of enterprise mobile apps. It would not be wrong to declare that successful functioning of an enterprise is not only reliant on but would collapse in the absence of mobile applications.