Wednesday 12 September 2012

iPhone 5 Features Leaked: Is The New Apple Device Going To Be A Market Hit With These Features?

It is Wednesday, September 12, and also the day when the much awaited iPhone 5 will be revealed. Today, Apple is all set to launch the most awaited smartphone of the year. While a section of the world is waiting to see the new mobile device, another section is busy speculating about features that the latest version of Apple’s smartphone may or may not possess.

Given the fact that Apple upgrades its mobile devices at least once every year, iPhone 5 is expected to be slimmer, lighter, and faster when compared to its predecessors. But what are the other features that the iPhone 5 is expected to come up with? All eyes will be set on the stage of San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center for the Arts today from where Apple CEO Tim Cook is expected to reveal details about the most anticipated mobile device of the year, the iPhone 5.

What to Expect From the New iPhone 5?

Apple, otherwise a very secretive organization, has been quite unsuccessful in keeping the features of their newest smartphone under wraps. Based on leaked reports, here is an enumeration of the properties that is likely to be explained in greater detail during the launch event today:

Larger Screen – Unlike most other smartphones available in the mobile market today, Apple still prefers to keep its screen size comparatively smaller. In a world of 5 inches smartphone screen size, the 3.5 inch screen display of iPhone 4S which is the latest edition of Apple’s smartphone available at present, is indeed small. The iPhone 5 will reportedly come with a diagonal screen display of 4 inches; the new screen will expectedly be taller but not much wider, says a report. A taller screen brings with it features like extra display of apps on the home screen and extra viewing space for web contents, e-books, videos, and mobile applications.

Prolonged Battery Life – A priority on the list of additional features on Apple smartphones for a very long time now, the iPhone5 will reportedly be equipped with a larger and more powerful battery. This should come across as good news for all the prospective buyers as they can now effectively utilize the additional apps without worrying about recharging the device frequently.

Slimmer Build – The display technology to be used for the upcoming iPhone5 has not been used in Apple smartphones as of yet. The new technology helps combine the touch layer and the glass layer of the mobile device, thus merging them into a single unit. This feature has made the iPhone5 get a slimmer design when compared to the earlier versions of the Apple smartphone.

Smaller Dock Connector – Another rumor doing the rounds about the features of iPhone5 is that Apple will substitute the 30 pin connector used on the bottom part of each one of its smartphone model with the new 9 pin connector. The reason for introducing a smaller dock connector in iPhone5 is to provide space for new components like 4G radios, etc. Therefore, an iPhone5 owner will need to use adaptors if the smartphone is ever used on older docks. But if the reports are to be believed, the new 9 pin connector may well be rolled out for every iOS mobile device in the near future.

LTE Networking – The latest version of Apple iPad is equipped with the 4G LTE networking. Therefore it had always been assumed by technology experts that sooner or later the iPhone would also have its own version of LTE. However, the complications in building this network structure and the frequencies involved prevented Apple from introducing it in iPhones until today. A report in Wall Street Journal says that iPhone5 will be LTE-enabled, but will not work with every carrier under the LTE network. More regarding which carrier is to be included and which left out is likely to be enumerated during the launch event.

YouTube Alternative – With the launch of iPhone5, YouTube will not be a default app on the iOS mobile devices. This piece of news had been announced by the Apple authorities last month; the world waits to hear more on how to enjoy video watching experience on YouTube while using iPhone5 today.

Changes in Searching Options – It will not come as a surprise if Apple announces today that Google will no longer feature as a default search option in the iPhone 5’s mobile browser. It has been long since Apple has started excising any app related to Google, but predictions foretell that Google will not be removed completely. It will become another among a list of search engine options such as Bing and Siri.

The Passbook Option – This new app of iPhone 5 is expected to carry information about all things related to ticketing, boarding, reservations, and gift purchases. Companies on board with Apple’s new app Passbook and details about deals provided by them will be revealed only during the launch ceremony.

Along with the new features of the latest Apple device iPhone 5, one will even get to know more about the redesigning of the AppStore. The rumor mill predicts that Apple will give its Store the Chomp look after having purchased it earlier this year. For all the eager Apple fans, wait a few hours more to confirm reports on the iPhone 5.

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