Wednesday 5 September 2012

Meet Adobe Connect 9 and Connect 2.0 Debuting for Android & iOS

Adobe has just launched new versions of the Connect videoconferencing tool and by the initial response to Connect 9 and Connect 2.0, it sure seems to be a hit among users. Though introduced for both the mobile and desktop devices, the mobile version of the Connect tool has garnered more attention than its desktop counterpart. Not only do Connect 2.0 and Connect 9 give you a complete and improved experience as a web conferencing tool, they promise fun as you use them for education purposes or while connecting to the web. Below is a brief checklist of the additional features of these tools:

Tapping the Video Streaming Web Facilities - There is no doubt about the fact that video streaming is one of the most used functionaries of the web. In spite of online streaming companies making their mark, users prefer to stick to the web rather than use the services of these companies for video advertising. Adobe Connect 2.0 and 9 have tried to gain the interest of the people who want visually oriented programs and are on the constant lookout for rich, powerful and engaging video snippets. Do you identify yourself in this category? It is time you tested these fun Adobe tools!

Fun Features for the Young - What’s more, you may also become an active member of the Engagement Dashboard of Adobe Connect 9 if you are the most involved member amongst a host of users. A fun feature of this new tool helps identify the most active speaker using SiteCatalyst in a group. The SCORM and HTML5 features of Connect 9 on the other hand promise improved e-learning techniques and training activities for students.

Connectivity at the Workplace - At the workplace, Connect 9 can be used to establish connections with more than 1,500 people at the same time by activating the email reply option. The social media integration option, on the other hand, will permit an event login without a password. You can simply use your email id instead to gain access. The best part is that these features come equipped with a 30 days free trial period!

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Option - For all users who like to work with their iPads even at the workplace, Adobe Connect 2.0 provides you with facilities to better your experience. From sharing documents from your mobile device to launching meetings and using the camera for a presentation, Connect 2.0 provides added interactivity options.  If you are using the android and iOS apps, you get a free version of the new Connect 2.0 tool. Just make sure to install the AIR Runtime 3.2 before getting the new Adobe feature.

If your business is involved in mobile app development for enterprises, the new Adobe Connect tools will surely bring a new leash of life to the regular web meetings and webinars. You can now host digital meetings with partners, colleagues and customers anywhere across the globe. The communication and collaboration using the Adobe Connect 2.0 and 9 become especially effective as you can use any mobile device to access these tools. Similarly, if you are providing mobility solutions to an enterprise, arrangement of online marketing through compelling events will assure you of maximum attendance and optimum results. Finally, you can also train new entrants in your business through deployment of e-learning facilities on mobile devices by using the new Adobe Connect tools.

Do let us know how you like the new Adobe videoconferencing software tools. We look forward to your comments.

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