Wednesday 5 June 2013

What Is Your App’s Competitive Advantage?

A competitive advantage, for lack of a better explanation, is something that your company, or one of its products, offers that no other does. In the case of a mobile app, a competitive advantage is not unlike any other product bought or sold around the world. Mobile apps have competitive advantages just as do lawn mowers, cars, or even juice blenders. While these products offer tangible competitive advantages such as faster acceleration in a car, or more precision cutting on a lawn mower, a mobile app has more intangible advantages, such as easier interface navigation, or more enjoyable interaction. If you are unsure of what your mobile app’s competitive advantage is, there is always the chance that it simply does not have one. In such case, you should feverishly try to develop one, as your app will never become one of the top sellers in its market without at least one competitive advantage. To help you do so, here are some ideas to develop your app’s competitive advantage.
A Reduced Selling Price
One of the easiest competitive advantages to develop is that of a reduced selling price. If you can offer the exact same, or remarkably similar, features compared to another app in your market, but do so at a reduced price, then you will have very easily created a competitive advantage. It you realize that your app is without a competitive advantage and is already on the market, the easiest, and in most cases, best way to create such an advantage is by reducing its selling price. This way you do not have to change anything about your app, all you really have to do is plan its finances accordingly.
A New Feature
Offering a new feature that your competition is lacking is another useful method of creating a competitive advantage for your mobile app. If you can do so without your competitors copying it, then it will be even better. While you basically have zero control over this aspect of your competitive advantage, the fact that you originated the feature will constitute as enough of an advantage. For example, a new feature serving as a competitive advantage could end up being something related to your individual industry, or it could be a feature as generic as your app’s welcome screen. The point of creating a competitive advantage for your app is not meant to be something overly complex, it simply must be something that your app offers that no other does. While it will certainly help your cause if that “something” entices users to the point of choosing your app over all others, you can still create less impressive advantages that add up in the minds of users. This is ultimately how you develop a loyal base of customers.
While it may initially seem unusual to create a competitive advantage for your mobile app, however, in actuality, a mobile app is not unlike any other business. Businesses have competitive advantages, and so should your mobile app. Whether it is a reduced selling price while offering the same features as every other app in its market, or simply offering a new feature that no other has, your app will most certainly need a competitive advantage if it wishes to become a top seller. So, if your app currently does not have a competitive advantage, look to the aforementioned tips to find one quickly.

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