Monday 13 May 2013

Leading Your Mobile Enterprise

It is estimated that there are now more mobile devices in the world than there are people. With such a statistic weighing on the minds of leaders of business, the time to capitalize on the popularity of mobile devices has come. As the leader of an enterprise, it falls on you to harness the potential of the mass amount of mobile devices and users in the world, and subsequently appeal your product to them. As an enterprise leader, you are required to wear many hats — it is your job to keep everyone happy, and make sure your app maintains a healthy reputation for your company. Most mobile enterprise executives are natural born leaders, but even the most proficient leader needs to brush up on his or her skills now and then. For those feeling a bit rusty with their leadership skills, here are a few tips to get back on track.
Be Charismatic

Being a "Charismatic" is a valuable title for a leader to hold. It is the ultimate sign that you are outgoing and personable with your enterprise. In some ways, natural charisma in your role as a leader is nearly impossible to acquire. In fact, many people believe that charisma is a trait that leaders are simply born with, and cannot learn. With that said, you can certainty make a conscious effort to be charismatic in your everyday actions as a leader of your enterprise. For instance, you can actively check-in with your customers and employees, giving them a personable and outgoing impression. Additionally, you can create a persona for yourself when in the public’s eye. While at industry functions and events you can become the most charismatic version of yourself, even if you aren’t like that in your personal life.

Do Not Micro Manage

Depending on the industry expert, you may find different advice about micro managing your enterprise and its mobile offerings. Some say micro managing as a leader is fine, and even effective, while others say it is ineffective and a waste. Ultimately, the decision is yours, and while there have been plenty of successful micro mangers, such as Apple founder, Steve Jobs, and Starbucks CEO, Howard Schulz, attending to duties that you have hired employees to take care of, can be an incredible waste of your valuable time.

Learn To Delegate

Fending off the urge to micro manage your mobile enterprise is the first step in learning how to delegate tasks to your subordinates. If you can accomplish that, you will automatically have become a more effective leader than many enterprise executives aiming to be successful leaders. Being able to tell subordinates what their job is and how to do it, is essential to your business' success. So, next time you are faced with designing the login interface of your company’s next wildly popular app, give the job to one of your trusted subordinates, but make sure they get you to sign off on it.


Whether you are leading a mobile enterprise with numerous successful mobile applications under its belt, or looking to merely develop a mobile app for your existing business enterprise, being an influential leader for your company is paramount to its success. By developing yourself into a more charismatic leader — learning to delegate tasks instead of micro managing — you will be able to optimize the efficiency of your operations and streamline productivity. While these steps certainly won’t be accomplished overnight, they are meant to be stepping-stones to becoming the leader your company needs.

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