Sunday 23 September 2012

Smartphone Usage Good or Bad? The Argument is On

Smartphones have become an absolute paramount in the mobile market and our lives too. So is the constant use of a smartphone good or bad for you? Are smartphones crippling the society or helping us gain more knowledge by establishing numerous contacts? Well, it all depends on the way you perceive your mobile device and use it.
Going by the increasing sales of smartphones over the past couple of years, it can safely be said that the trend has caught on among individuals and enterprises alike. Therefore, if we take one look at the functionalities offered by a smartphone, we will be convinced about the fact that these gadgets make life organized rather than complicated. Nevertheless, there is a constant argument on the fact, are smartphones harming the values & health of the mobile device users? Or are they hugely benefitting the users by making them adept with the latest technology? The response is clearly divided with one section arguing about the superpowers that a smartphone gifts its users with and the other section completely writing off the device as a means of evil!
A smartphone has become the tool to fight corruption, improve education, promote politics, purchase daily stuff, bolster the memory, and give users better access to healthcare services. They have helped a user to remain connected with his/her family & friends residing in any part of the world. The role played by smartphones in mobilizing business of enterprises the world over & raking in the profits cannot be disregarded at all. Whether it is a game app, a weather app, a social networking app, a location based app, or a business enterprise app, the smartphone is the perfect platform for using all types of tools to benefit every age group.
So wouldn’t it be fair to term a smartphone user a ‘superhuman’? Perhaps not: because there is a flip side to the increased usage of the tiny mobile devices that we often fail to notice. One of them is the fact that the use of smartphones have made people unsocial. Nowadays, smartphone users are happy to delve into their devices rather than strike up a conversation. He/she would rather send texts or emails as opposed to writing a letter. On the one hand, accidents are caused by people who are distractedly immersed in their smartphones while driving, and on the other the radiation from these devices enter the human system through the ear & increase the risk of acquiring diseases like cancer.
I believe that every new invention in this world is made in order to help mankind. The features of the new invention have to be utilized in such a way as to realize its benefits rather than to invite troubles. And isn’t it only fair to say that every part of technology will operate just the way it is made to function by the people in whose hands it falls? We should not disregard the fact that the smartphone was created by humans and it is upon us humans to use or misuse the device. While we have the ability to think & judge values and shortcomings of mere pieces of machinery, the smartphone is but an inanimate object that entirely depends upon its user for functionality.
Billions of people all over the world are using a smartphone or tablets like iPads today for professional & personal purposes. While the persistent criticism of the smartphone technology continues, I believe that concentrating on the exciting opportunities that this little device offers would benefit mankind.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Free Application Demand to Rise, Accounting for Nearly 90% in 2012

We love free applications. The increasing popularity of smartphones has also introduced us to the world of mobile applications. Apple was the first to make users familiar with the word "mobile application" by launching iPhone & App Store. And in less than 5 years, mobile applications have become an integral part of our lives. Be it an individual or enterprises, we all are leveraging on the benefits of mobile applications for various tasks.

And the tremendous growth of mobile app market has attracted developers to create some of the most innovative & feature rich applications for users. Some of these apps are paid but most of them are free. You will be glad to know that 90 percent of the downloaded applications in 2012 will be free apps.

Research firm Gartner yet again shifted its focus to app world and released a report "Market Trends: Mobile App Stores, Worldwide 2012". The report reveals that there were 24.94 billion app downloads from Google Play, App Store, and others in 2011. And out of these, 88.5 percent that makes 22 billion were free applications while 2.9 billion were paid apps.

Enterprises are approaching mobile app developers to get an app merely for branding also. Therefore, they make these applications available for free. Once the app becomes a hit amongst users, enhanced versions are introduced at a little cost.

The mobile application market is growing at lightning speed and the report predicts that there will be total 309.61 billion downloads in 2016 with 93 percent being free apps.

Here are some extracts from the report:
  • The total number of app downloads will grow by 83 percent in 2012 and the growth rate will be around 50-70 percent each year through 2016.
  • Gartner forecasts that total app download will hit 131.67 billion with 91 percent being free applications in 2014.
  • In 2015, the total app download will rise to 205.38 billion with 92 percent of being free apps.
  • Talking about paid apps - those priced less than $3 will make 87.5 percent of downloads in 2012 and the figure will increase to 96 percent by 2016.

If we talk about the market share of all application stores, Apple's share is the maximum as the App Store accounts for 25 percent of the apps available in all stores. Gartner also predicts Apple to lead the app store competition with more than 21 billion downloads in 2012, which has increased up to 74 percent from 2011. Microsoft and Google along with Apple will be dominating the application market in the coming time but there will be room for third-party stores such as Amazon and Facebook.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

iPhone 5 Features Leaked: Is The New Apple Device Going To Be A Market Hit With These Features?

It is Wednesday, September 12, and also the day when the much awaited iPhone 5 will be revealed. Today, Apple is all set to launch the most awaited smartphone of the year. While a section of the world is waiting to see the new mobile device, another section is busy speculating about features that the latest version of Apple’s smartphone may or may not possess.

Given the fact that Apple upgrades its mobile devices at least once every year, iPhone 5 is expected to be slimmer, lighter, and faster when compared to its predecessors. But what are the other features that the iPhone 5 is expected to come up with? All eyes will be set on the stage of San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center for the Arts today from where Apple CEO Tim Cook is expected to reveal details about the most anticipated mobile device of the year, the iPhone 5.

What to Expect From the New iPhone 5?

Apple, otherwise a very secretive organization, has been quite unsuccessful in keeping the features of their newest smartphone under wraps. Based on leaked reports, here is an enumeration of the properties that is likely to be explained in greater detail during the launch event today:

Larger Screen – Unlike most other smartphones available in the mobile market today, Apple still prefers to keep its screen size comparatively smaller. In a world of 5 inches smartphone screen size, the 3.5 inch screen display of iPhone 4S which is the latest edition of Apple’s smartphone available at present, is indeed small. The iPhone 5 will reportedly come with a diagonal screen display of 4 inches; the new screen will expectedly be taller but not much wider, says a report. A taller screen brings with it features like extra display of apps on the home screen and extra viewing space for web contents, e-books, videos, and mobile applications.

Prolonged Battery Life – A priority on the list of additional features on Apple smartphones for a very long time now, the iPhone5 will reportedly be equipped with a larger and more powerful battery. This should come across as good news for all the prospective buyers as they can now effectively utilize the additional apps without worrying about recharging the device frequently.

Slimmer Build – The display technology to be used for the upcoming iPhone5 has not been used in Apple smartphones as of yet. The new technology helps combine the touch layer and the glass layer of the mobile device, thus merging them into a single unit. This feature has made the iPhone5 get a slimmer design when compared to the earlier versions of the Apple smartphone.

Smaller Dock Connector – Another rumor doing the rounds about the features of iPhone5 is that Apple will substitute the 30 pin connector used on the bottom part of each one of its smartphone model with the new 9 pin connector. The reason for introducing a smaller dock connector in iPhone5 is to provide space for new components like 4G radios, etc. Therefore, an iPhone5 owner will need to use adaptors if the smartphone is ever used on older docks. But if the reports are to be believed, the new 9 pin connector may well be rolled out for every iOS mobile device in the near future.

LTE Networking – The latest version of Apple iPad is equipped with the 4G LTE networking. Therefore it had always been assumed by technology experts that sooner or later the iPhone would also have its own version of LTE. However, the complications in building this network structure and the frequencies involved prevented Apple from introducing it in iPhones until today. A report in Wall Street Journal says that iPhone5 will be LTE-enabled, but will not work with every carrier under the LTE network. More regarding which carrier is to be included and which left out is likely to be enumerated during the launch event.

YouTube Alternative – With the launch of iPhone5, YouTube will not be a default app on the iOS mobile devices. This piece of news had been announced by the Apple authorities last month; the world waits to hear more on how to enjoy video watching experience on YouTube while using iPhone5 today.

Changes in Searching Options – It will not come as a surprise if Apple announces today that Google will no longer feature as a default search option in the iPhone 5’s mobile browser. It has been long since Apple has started excising any app related to Google, but predictions foretell that Google will not be removed completely. It will become another among a list of search engine options such as Bing and Siri.

The Passbook Option – This new app of iPhone 5 is expected to carry information about all things related to ticketing, boarding, reservations, and gift purchases. Companies on board with Apple’s new app Passbook and details about deals provided by them will be revealed only during the launch ceremony.

Along with the new features of the latest Apple device iPhone 5, one will even get to know more about the redesigning of the AppStore. The rumor mill predicts that Apple will give its Store the Chomp look after having purchased it earlier this year. For all the eager Apple fans, wait a few hours more to confirm reports on the iPhone 5.

Friday 7 September 2012

Samsung Outshines Apple?

Samsung may have hit a setback amounting to a billion dollars in the month of August, but the same month brought luck to the electronics company when the Galaxy S III was declared the largest selling smartphone for the month in the US. According to reports, the Samsung Galaxy S III was sold at three out of the four prominent carrier networks of the US.

Michael Walkley, an analyst with the Canaccord Genuity checked the figures from the carrier stores to confirm the news. This is the first time that a smartphone topped the sales charts in the US since the launch of the iPhone 4S. While most point out to waiting for the latest version of the iPhone as the chief success of Samsung Galaxy S III, Walkley is of the opinion that the latter is indeed the best Android experience so far.

Also, the launch strategy applied by Samsung for Galaxy S III played a very important role in shooting up sales of the mobile device. Galaxy S III was made available in US markets from the month of June, which is just one month after the announcement of the launch was made. Since the curiosity of the customers was already piqued, close to 10 million purchases were made on the very first month. User experience from Samsung Galaxy S III as opposed to previous versions of the Android devices spread as word of mouth and helped pitch sales.

Reports also state that Samsung is likely to enjoy the top slot in the sales charts for a few months more in spite of the launch of Apple iPhone 5. The Android 4.1 update used in Galaxy S III has helped to boost personal assistance & performance, thus raising the sales percentage.
No matter what the reason, it is indeed interesting to watch Apple facing competition from Samsung, and a stiff one at that, in the earlier monopolized smartphone market. This competition is expected to provide more power to the users as both Apple and Samsung will definitely try to attract users by incorporating smarter features to their future devices, to be ahead of each other.

Cloud Based Photo Sharing Platform Launched for iPad

Cloud based photo sharing platform by Everpix exits from its beta period, claims a report published in TechCrunch. The service that was launched not very long ago in the year 2011 at the TechCrunch Disrupt SF will be replaced with a new website that will provide premium services in the field of photo sharing using your email account. An application that can run from an iPad and at the same time allow the user to view photos from the user’s desktop and the web on a single interface will also be introduced in due time.
Everpix has been known for introducing some of the best technology when it comes to identifying photos of people, nature, or food. The announcement of the new applications has thus piqued the interest of the users, both individuals and enterprises. But if initial reports are to be believed, the most interesting new app is still under construction and will be announced gradually. The total amount of $1.8 million that Everpix had acquired from investments with Index Ventures, 2020 Ventures’ David Williams, Kii Capital, and 500 Startups will be used in the development of the new website & its features.
While the iPhone and iPad do not allow a user to attach more than five photographs in a single mail, the Cloud based services will help users share several digital photographs stored either in web services like Facebook or mobile devices using the iOS platform. The new website which will be launched soon promises improvements in handling animation & other photography by using a feature named Photo Mail. This brand new feature will reportedly enable collection of photos derived from sources like Picasa, Flickr, iPhoto, or Instagram, and share as many of them with others using your email account.
Therefore, for a photo veteran, or for an amateur who loves adding & organizing an existing photo collection, the new cloud based services will come as a technological boon.

Thursday 6 September 2012

TSMC Says No to World's Largest Chip Buyer, Apple

When Apple contacted the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company to get an exclusive access to a product line, it was confirmed that either Apple is on a look-out to further improve its technology or is hunting for an alternative to Samsung.

Industry is talking that Apple is planning to expand its chip suppliers, therefore approached TSMC with a hefty investment offer. This is not all, the company also requested TSMC to give them an exclusive access to a product line.

But, a Bloomber Report reveals that TSMC said no to Apple. And that's not the end to the story. Even Qualcomm went to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company with a somehow similar request and was also denied.

According to the Bloomberg report:

"Both proposals included investments, each of more than $1 billion, for the world’s largest custom maker of chips to set aside production dedicated to making chips exclusively for them, said the people, who declined to be identified because the details are not public".

Apple's latest shopping spree has raised questions in the tech world. Many are assuming that Apple might be looking for an alternative to Samsung.

At present, Samsung is supplying logic chips for iPhone and iPad. But, the relationship between the two competitors hasn’t been so pleasant lately. And this could be the reason for Apple looking out to crack some exclusive deals with other manufacturers.

We all know that Samsung is sure that it wants to do chip business will Apple. But, there could be chances that Apple wants its own supply and isn't keen on being tied to a direct competitor.

The latest event also reveals about the future plans of TSMC. It is very much visible that the chip maker doesn't want to be tied to a particular customer or attract other customers to sign an exclusive deal. It comes as a surprise to everyone that a company like TSMC, so deeply involved in mobile market says no to Apple who is known to spend about $28 billion on chips every year. And as per IHS iSuppli, Apple is expected to buy almost one out of every 10 chips sold in the world.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Meet Adobe Connect 9 and Connect 2.0 Debuting for Android & iOS

Adobe has just launched new versions of the Connect videoconferencing tool and by the initial response to Connect 9 and Connect 2.0, it sure seems to be a hit among users. Though introduced for both the mobile and desktop devices, the mobile version of the Connect tool has garnered more attention than its desktop counterpart. Not only do Connect 2.0 and Connect 9 give you a complete and improved experience as a web conferencing tool, they promise fun as you use them for education purposes or while connecting to the web. Below is a brief checklist of the additional features of these tools:

Tapping the Video Streaming Web Facilities - There is no doubt about the fact that video streaming is one of the most used functionaries of the web. In spite of online streaming companies making their mark, users prefer to stick to the web rather than use the services of these companies for video advertising. Adobe Connect 2.0 and 9 have tried to gain the interest of the people who want visually oriented programs and are on the constant lookout for rich, powerful and engaging video snippets. Do you identify yourself in this category? It is time you tested these fun Adobe tools!

Fun Features for the Young - What’s more, you may also become an active member of the Engagement Dashboard of Adobe Connect 9 if you are the most involved member amongst a host of users. A fun feature of this new tool helps identify the most active speaker using SiteCatalyst in a group. The SCORM and HTML5 features of Connect 9 on the other hand promise improved e-learning techniques and training activities for students.

Connectivity at the Workplace - At the workplace, Connect 9 can be used to establish connections with more than 1,500 people at the same time by activating the email reply option. The social media integration option, on the other hand, will permit an event login without a password. You can simply use your email id instead to gain access. The best part is that these features come equipped with a 30 days free trial period!

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Option - For all users who like to work with their iPads even at the workplace, Adobe Connect 2.0 provides you with facilities to better your experience. From sharing documents from your mobile device to launching meetings and using the camera for a presentation, Connect 2.0 provides added interactivity options.  If you are using the android and iOS apps, you get a free version of the new Connect 2.0 tool. Just make sure to install the AIR Runtime 3.2 before getting the new Adobe feature.

If your business is involved in mobile app development for enterprises, the new Adobe Connect tools will surely bring a new leash of life to the regular web meetings and webinars. You can now host digital meetings with partners, colleagues and customers anywhere across the globe. The communication and collaboration using the Adobe Connect 2.0 and 9 become especially effective as you can use any mobile device to access these tools. Similarly, if you are providing mobility solutions to an enterprise, arrangement of online marketing through compelling events will assure you of maximum attendance and optimum results. Finally, you can also train new entrants in your business through deployment of e-learning facilities on mobile devices by using the new Adobe Connect tools.

Do let us know how you like the new Adobe videoconferencing software tools. We look forward to your comments.