Tuesday 23 July 2013

What’s Your App’s Best Feature?

Just as if you were identifying your own personal best feature, or perhaps that of a loved one, sometimes it can be useful to make the same recognition in your mobile app. While doing so is not always a simple task, recognizing your app’s best feature will provide many great benefits to your mobile enterprise, including aiding your marketing team, as well as other aspects such as your PR and customer service departments. With that said, it goes without saying that a person’s best feature is usually different than that of a mobile market offering, however, you technically could have a personality trait and technological feature that are the same. More often though, your app’s best feature will be something like its GPS capabilities, or its privacy protection, while a person’s best feature will be their eyes, hair, or something along those lines.  In order to help you accurately identify exactly what your app’s best feature is, here are some simple suggestions on how to do so. 

Making A Distinction

When identifying your app’s best feature, the first step is generally to make a distinction between good features and bad features. Then, once you have a handful of your app’s good features, you will be able to more accurately pick out which is truly the best. This is also a helpful method for picking out the bad features of your mobile app that you can subsequently improve down the road. And who knows, then, one of those features that originally proved to be horrible might end up some day being the best. There are very few methods of identifying your app’s best feature that are more reliable than first making a distinction between its good and bad features. Once you do so, the rest is pretty much down hill from there. In other words, it is much easier to decide on your app’s best feature when picking from five good ones opposed to choosing from a mixture of a dozen both good and bad features. 

Getting Customer Feedback

Another extremely useful method of identifying your app’s best feature is by taking the word of your customers. After all, the people that use your app most often are much more likely to have an accurate opinion of what its best feature truly is. For such reason, you should undoubtedly use this to your advantage.  Listening to the mobile device users that download your app and use it on a frequent basis is not only a reliable method of figuring out which feature is best, you can use such an opportunity to gain additional feedback for your app in order to make improvements in the future. Also, you can compare which feature you think is best with which your loyal user base does. Making such a comparison provides valuable information to many aspects of your mobile enterprise that can be used to make future decisions pertaining to all of its apps. 


Whether it is listening to the most frequent users of your mobile app, or by first making a distinction between its good and bad features, it is important to take as many aspects into consideration when identifying your app’s best feature. In other words, if you can use both of the aforementioned methods of identifying your app’s best feature, it will only provide you with a more accurate method of doing so.