Friday 29 June 2012

Mobile Applications for Enterprises

Mobile devices are primarily regarded as communication tools in today's world because of the extended functionality they offer. Be it booking a ticket, making payment, placing an order, tracking a location, or checking emails, our mobile phone does it all for us. There are mobile applications to solve most of our entertainment, information, and connectivity related needs.

Sales of mobile devices with Web support like tablets, e-readers, and smartphones have surpassed the sales of notebooks, desktops, and laptops. This clearly indicates that it's high time for enterprises to go mobile.

Enterprises are also getting benefited with the boom in mobile technology. Use of mobile phone is now not limited to email and calendars. You can track internal operations & administration, manage customer database, and even handle the inventory, logistics & supply chain with mobile applications specifically build for enterprises.

Mobile technology is drawing attention of businesses these days. There are mobile apps to handle end-to-end business process, which involve talent management, sales, delivery, and payment procurement.

When we talk about mobile technology, mobility is the biggest benefit. There are multiple job roles in a company, which may include traveling, field sales, and operations. By mobilizing the enterprise, you get the advantage of having a real-time check on those working off-site. Live video conferencing, location presence, video recording, group chat are some of the mobile applications for enterprise that can drive higher process value.

These are a few benefits associated with mobile applications for enterprises. The introduction of more technologically advanced devices in market will definitely raise the standard of mobile apps being developed for businesses. But, at the same time, it is crucial for companies to adapt themselves to the changing trends, leverage on the technology, and gain maximum business benefits.